Leiza offer’s a proven secure parking solution in Almirante for travelers that have braved the roads of Panama and are looking to visit the island of Isla Colon in Bocas del Toro without having to take their vehicle over on the Ferry Service. With tall, barbed wire fencing and around-the-clock security present, you can leave your car in safe hands while you enjoy tropical Caribbean adventures in the archipelago paradise of Bocas del Toro.

Almirante is primarily a port city so there is not much to see or do in the area. Leiza’s Secure Parking is conveniently located across the street from Bocas Marine Tours and down the street from Taxi 25, both of which provide water taxi service to Isla Colon approximately every 30 minutes from 6:00am until 6:0pm.

If you have baggage or supplies to carry, there are often helpers hanging around Bocas Marine Tours looking for opportunities to make a few dollars.

The parking lot at Leiza’s can accommodate quite a few cars but during high season it is best to call ahead to confirm that there will be space. Just call or send a text (or Whatsapp) message to Leiza at the number listed.

$3 per day Parking Fee

At the time of this writing, Leiza charges $3 per day per vehicle for storage although this may adjust depending on the size of the vhicle. Your vehicle and personal information will be recorded on a log and payment will be due when you return to pick up the vehicle. Please bring cash only!

To reserve your parking space, please submit the form below:

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